The UEA UCU branch is now seeking nominations for Committee officer positions. We strongly encourage all members to consider running for a Committee position. If you would consider running but have no idea what the various roles entail or would like to know a bit more before formally nominating yourself, please get in touch with the branch office and we can put you in touch with a current role-holder to answer any questions you may have. Buy-out for committee work (such as working group or committee attendance) is available on a sliding scale depending the position and any additional responsibilities you take on. This ranges from roughly 0.1 FTE to 0.3 FTE.
Nominations are invited for:
- Chair/President
- Vice-Chair/Vice-President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Membership/Recruitment Secretary
- Equality Officer
- Anti-Casualisation Officer
- Black, Ethnic and Racialised Minorities Officer
- Health and Safety Officer
and 7 Ordinary Committee Members
Role descriptions and branch policies are outlined in the Branch Rules and Procedures document.
Submit your nomination in an email with the subject line ‘nominations’ to, in accordance with the following requirements:
- The deadline for submission is 12 noon, Wednesday 10th May 2023.
- State which role you are standing for.
- Include your preferred email details.
- Nominations must include the support of 2 other UCU members at UEA. Include in your email the names and email contact details of the 2 members supporting you. You should ask those 2 supporters to email confirmation of their support for your nomination by emailing